
Oven Hash

If there is anything I like more than a roast on the first day, it is the wonderful things you can do with the leftovers. Be it chicken, turkey, beef, lamb or pork, I am a master at making the leftovers taste fresh and new and delicious!  Nobody in my house has ever said, Leftovers?  YUCK!  In fact they have always loved them, and I say that not to brag, but as a fact.

This recipe I am sharing today is a simple and easy version of Roast Beef Hash, with the exception being that there is no frying involved. None at all. 

Chopped onion, potato and beef are simply combined with some tinned evaporated milk, Worcestershire sauce, seasoning and parsley flakes, poured into a buttered dish, and topped with some buttered cracker crumbs prior to baking. 

That is it in its very basic rendition  . . .  of course you can amp it up a bit with the addition of some garlic powder and herbs. I would suggest thyme and marjoram and maybe some rosemary. You won't need a lot, just a smidgen of each.

You could add a squirt of ketchup and mustard to the milk mixture as well if you like.  Both work very well . . .  or even a squirt of either BBQ sauce or HP sauce. 

You could also add some mixed vegetables if you liked, about a cup of frozen mixed vegetables would be nice, but I wouldn't do any more to it than that.   Really, in all truth, it is very delicious even in it's most basic form!

The quantities are for two people, which is a very generous amount. You can easily double it to serve more if you want. Just make sure you have the same amount of potato as beef, and then half again as much of onion. You can precook the onion if you want, but its really not necessary.

I had plenty of leftover veg from Sunday and so I warmed them up and served them on the side and the casserole would easily have served at least three people generously. 

We had mashed Swede (rutabaga/turnips) and a mix of peas, corn and carrots, all leftover as well.  When I do my Swede, I simply boil it until tender in lightly salted water, drain well and then mash well with a potato masher, stirring in a small knob of butter and a touch of brown sugar, salt and pepper.  The Brown sugar really enhances the natural sweetness of the Swede.  Trust me on this.

I like to season my carrots with a pinch of sugar and some freshly grated nutmeg.  There is something about nutmeg that goes very well with carrots and I know you will love it.  I usually don't add any butter, but you can if you want, and some salt and pepper also.

Yield: 2

Oven Hash

prep time: 15 minscook time: 30 minstotal time: 45 mins
A delicious casserole for two to make with the leftovers from your Sunday Roast!


1 cup finely chopped roast beef
1 cup finely chopped cooked potato
150g evaporated milk (2/3 cup)
1 small onion, peeled and minced
1/2 tsp dried parsley flakes
2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
salt and black pepper to taste
a handful of crushed rich round crackers
1 TBS butter, melted


Preheat the oven to 180*C/350*F/ gas mark 4.  Combine the beef, potato,
milk, onion, parsley, Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper.  Turn into a
 buttered 1 litre/1 QT casserole dish. Toss the cracker crumbs with the
melted butter and sprinkle on top.  Bake in the preheated oven for half
an hour, until heated through, bubbling and golden brown.
Created using The Recipes Generator

Todd enjoyed his with some warmed up leftover gravy and mash on the side. Me, I enjoyed mine with a splash of tomato sauce. Yes, I am one of those North Americans who enjoys her ketchup!  And we still have some roast beef leftover, which I have even more plans for. Watch this space and Bon Appetit! 

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